Spring Retreat Sign-Ups are LIVE!


It's time to sign up for the
2018 Spring Retreat!

To sign up for the retreat, please head over to our sign up page here.  Once your form is filled out, you'll then be directed to the payment page.

You must be a 2018 PMQG Member to sign up for the Retreat!

More information about the Retreat:

: Thursday, April 12th (4 pm) through Sunday, April 15th (noon)
WhereCamp Tilikum - 15321 NE North Valley Rd, Newberg, OR 97132 (Map of Grounds)

We will be in The Lodge, which has an assortment of regular beds and bunk beds. Most rooms are double or multiple occupancy. We will ask you to provide a roommate request after your registration has been confirmed.


  • $245 for three nights' stay plus 8 meals (Thursday night Dinner, Friday and Saturday all meals, and Sunday Breakfast)
  • Linens are provided (pillow and pillow case, fitted & flat sheet, blanket, bath and hand towel with wash cloth)
  • If you require a special diet such as gluten free, vegetarian, dairy free, or other, there is an $8 additional fee for the weekend. You will need to complete a Diet Request Form. (The form will be provided to you after your registration is confirmed.)

What to bring

  • Clothes and toiletries
  • Any special bedding
  • Sewing machines
  • Projects, rulers, etc. 
  • An iron, if you really like yours and would like to share. 
  • Extension cords
  • Walking shoes if you wish to partake in the wild outdoors. 
  • Snacks

Schedule: When we're not eating or sleeping, we'll probably be sewing! 

The Fine Print:
There are 34 spots available for the weekend. 

Payment can be made by check (at the February Meeting, or mailed to our PO Box) or online with a credit card (with a $5 additional fee). Payment must be received by the guild within 2 weeks of signing up.  If payment is not received, you will lose your spot!

Refund Policy: Full refunds will be given only if your spot can be re-sold.

February Meeting Reminder

Julie Walters' Pickled Beets quilt

Julie Walters' Pickled Beets quilt

We hope you can make it to our February meeting, on Thursday, February 15th!

Don't forget!  Sign ups for the 2018 Spring Retreat Go LIVE February 10 at 10:00 am!

More Information about the retreat can be found here.  

Members who have completed their Word Quilt tops

Please bring them to the meeting!  We'd love to see everyone's tops or completed quilts during a special Word Quilt group showing!  You'll receive an extra raffle ticket for bringing in your top to share.

Here's what's happening at the meeting:

  • Please do not arrive to the meeting hall prior to 6:45 pm.  We only get access to the hall at 6:30 and need that time to set up the room for you!  
  • 2018 Membership Sign Ups - It's that time of year again to renew your PMQG Membership!  Save time and skip the line by renewing your membership online!  You can sign up either at the beginning of the February meeting or during the break.  
  • In order to streamline check-in, we'll have an express line for members who already have their 2018 membership cards.  Please be sure to have your card out and ready to show to quickly pick up your raffle ticket and come into the meeting.  
  • Welcome and Announcements
  • Kelly Cole from Vintage Fabric Studio will be our speaker.  She'll be speaking about how to use vintage fabrics in modern quilts.  She'll also have a trunk show of vintage quilts as well as quilts made using vintage fabrics!  Time permitting, we'll have a Q&A as well.  
  • Bespoke Block of the Month - Your Secretary, Michelle has been hard at work designing this year's program.  The second of nine blocks will be debuted at this meeting.
  • Raffle
  • Show and Tell

Here’s what to bring:

  • Money to purchase your 2018 PMQG Membership if you haven't pre-purchased online.
  • Completed charity blocks or quilts.

  • Quilt for Show and Tell – limit one quilt per person

  • A mug for tea


  • A few volunteers who can arrive at 6:30 to help with meeting room setup

Be on the lookout for a Fabric Depot VIP Pass for their Warehouse sale on February 17th!  Passes will be sent to 2018 PMQG members on February 15th!

Upcoming Events:

February 10th - Spring Retreat Sign Ups go live at 10:00.
February 15th February Guild Meeting
February 22nd Charity Sew Day at Modern Domestic
February 25th - Hand Sew Happy Hour
March 3 - Open Sew Day at Fabric Depot

Meeting Time & Location

Thursday, February 15th from 7 to 9 pm
St. Andrew Catholic Church, 806 NE Alberta Street

January Meeting Reminder

The Three of Us by Christina Cameli

The Three of Us by Christina Cameli

We hope you can make it to our January Meeting, next Thursday, January 18th. 

Important information about the PMQG Exhibit at Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show

February 6th is the final day for submittal of a photo and dimension information of your Word Quilts for the PMQG Exhibit at Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show.  Find out more information about this at the January meeting.  If you are unable to attend the meeting, submittal requirements will be posted on the website.  

Here's what's happening at the meeting:

  • 2018 Membership Sign Ups - It's that time of year again to renew your PMQG Membership!  Save time and skip the line by renewing your membership online!  You can sign up either at the beginning of the January meeting or during the break.  

  • Welcome and Announcments

  • Christina Cameli lecture and Trunk Show - On January 2nd, Christina's brand new book Wedge Quilt Workshop was released.  Christina will be bringing a selection of the quilts from the book to the meeting as well as providing a talk to members.  If time permits, we'll even have a Q&A.  For more information about Christina Cameli, check out her blog.

  • Bespoke Block of the Month Debut - Your Secretary, Michelle has been hard at work designing this year's program.  The first of nine blocks will be debuted at this meeting!  

  • Raffle

  • Show and Tell

Here’s what to bring:

  • Money to purchase your 2018 PMQG Membership if you haven't pre-purchased online.

  • Completed charity blocks or quilts.

  • Completed zipper bags (and/or full size toiletry items) for Embrace Oregon

  • Quilt for Show and Tell – limit one quilt per person

  • A mug for tea


  • A few volunteers who can arrive at 6:30 to help with meeting room setup

Upcoming Events:

January 25thCharity Sew Day at Modern Domestic
January 28thHandsew Happy Hour
February 3rdOpen Sew Day at Fabric Depot
February 6th, Deadline for quilt submittal for PMQG Exhibit at Sisters Quilt Show

Meeting Time & Location

Thursday, January 18th from 7 to 9 pm
St. Andrew Catholic Church, 806 NE Alberta Street

December Meeting Recap

Kelly Cole of Vintage Fabric Studio

Kelly Cole of Vintage Fabric Studio

Our December meeting / Holiday Party had something for everyone: Guild members selling handcrafted items and destashing fabric, a Wheel of Fortune with prizes for all, a tasty dessert potluck, a container swap featuring Santa himself, so many raffles, and the last Show and Tell of 2017.

The first part of the meeting was dedicated to shopping, spinning, eating, and grabbing 2018 memberships in time to be entered into the special 2018 member raffle.


Then we had a few announcements:

  • Sally Geller, Fabric Depot's marketing manager, told us about some upcoming events at the store:
    • January 27th: Cindy Cloward of Riley Blake Designs with a 4-hour Introduction to EPP class;
    • March 17th: Mister Domestic with a new EPP Class;
    • April 28th: Elizabeth Hartman doing a Meet & Greet featuring a trunk show of her new quilts;
    • May 15th - 24th: Fabric Depot School House featuring classes, trunk shows and events with Tula Pink, Violet Craft, Cotton+Steel, Nancy Chong, Ann Shaw, Marti Michelle and Doug Leko

And Sally brought 50% off coupons for all!  Thank you, Fabric Depot, for being one of our business sponsors and for all of the collaboration this year!

  • We're still looking for some 2018 Volunteer Coordinators:
    • Someone to run the New Members/Guests Welcome Program (this is a really important role and is not a huge time commitment);
    • A second volunteer for:
      • Sew Day at Fabric Depot (this would involve either setting up or breaking down the room one Saturday a month - you would coordinate with Michele Nichols)
      • Free Tables (you would coordinate with Marjorie Elliott to organize and oversee the Free Tables before and during the meetings and then donate any leftover items)
      • Charity Table (you would coordinate with Patty Turner to organize and oversee the Charity Table before and during the meetings)

If you would like to volunteer for any of these positions, please email the Guild.

  • Avoid the lines in January and purchase your 2018 membership on our website now!

Thank You!

Our 2017 president, Tamara King, thanked the 2017 Board for all their hard work and great ideas this year, and then, on behalf of the Board, she thanked all of our Volunteer Coordinators, everyone who volunteered this year and everyone who participated in our Charity Quilts and Charity Zipper Bags programs.  It was a fun and action-packed year for the PMQG, and it took a lot of people to make that possible.  Thank you to all of you, and thank you to the 2018 Board, who will be leading the Guild to a fun and exciting 2018.


Our Vice-President, Tania Johnston, then presented a very surprised Tamara with a beautiful quilt planned by Tania and our Secretary, Anne Matlak, with blocks made and inscribed with messages by the members.  It was a complete success -- a total surprise and an absolutely wonderful quilt that will be treasured.  


Container Swap

Container by Christine Yi

Container by Christine Yi

The theme of this year's holiday swap was Containers, and the rules were simple: using their own fabric, members made a thing that can hold other things (a bag, box, wallet, journal cover, etc.). Sign up wasn't required; anyone who wanted to participate brought a container and was given a number. Fifty-four cool containers were made by our members, and Santa even dropped by to hand them out at the break.



We had four raffles:

  • The 2017 Queen of the UFOs was crowned by our UFO Club Coordinator, Marcia Mersky.  For each project completed, club members got one entry. A name was chosen from the UFO jar, and the winner was Karen Bailey, who won half of the UFO Club entry fees of $125.  The other half of the fees goes to the PMQG Scholarship Fund.  Congratulations, Karen!
  • The winner of the 2017 Block of the Month Quilt, Stars Galore, designed and made by Anne Matlak, was our 2017 Membership Coordinator, Karen Lee! The Guild raised nearly $1,000 for our charity programs from the sale of raffle tickets! Congratulations, Karen!
  • The winner of the 2018 Membership raffle (you just had to renew your membership before or at the meeting to be entered) was Cindy Smith.  Cindy won a fabulous prize with items donated by PMQG member Bill Volckening, Hoffman Fabrics, MonaLuna Organic Fabrics, Noodlehead, and June Tailor. Congratulations, Cindy!
  • Anne Matlak made a special raffle prize for those who brought a BOM quilt or a top to show at the meeting (so many of you did, and they were so beautiful!), and the lucky winner of that handmade gift was Alice Ringquist.  Congratulations, Alice!

Wrapping Up (The Year)

all boms.jpg

Everyone who had finished a Block of the Month quilt or top brought them to show at our December meeting.  There was an impressive number of quilts, and they were all fantastic.  Thank you for such enthusiastic participation and, as usual, you blew us away with your creativity.


Summer Hibard's Pickled Beets

Summer Hibard's Pickled Beets

BOM Quilt by Betty Colburn

BOM Quilt by Betty Colburn

We had a really spectacular Show and Tell to finish off 2017.  You can see all of the BOM quilts, all of the Show and Tell quilts and some photos from the party on Flickr

Thank you, Matthew Stovall, for being our photographer all year - you are the best! (And thank you, Juline Bajada, for filling in for Matthew in April!)



Every PMQG President ever, from 2010 to 2018, was at the party.  Three left before we could get a photo, but we got a photo of six former and current presidents!

We had a great 2017 and we're looking forward to a fantastic 2018!  See you next year!

December Meeting Slides

December Meeting Reminder

We hope you can make it to our December meeting tomorrow (December 7th)There will be prizes, prizes, and more prizes!

Here’s what’s happening:

  • Holiday Bazaar - more than 15 PMQG members will be selling fantastic fabric, bags and totes, pillows, sewing kits, soaps, collage fabric paintings, books, hand-printed posters, and much much more! Not all vendors may be able to accept credit cards, so be sure to bring other forms of payment just in case. (Please note: because of the holiday bazaar, there will be no free table this month)
  • Dessert Potluck - bring a dessert to share. If your dessert is appropriate for special diets (gluten-free, vegan, etc.), it can be helpful to provide a label.
  • Container Swap - if you want to participate, just make a container (could be a bag, box, wallet, journal cover, etc - anything that can hold something). Please don't wrap your container or fill it with any extras - but please attach a tag with your name on it. This is a random swap - what you get will be a complete surprise!
  • Prize Wheel - we won't have the normal door prizes this month, but will have a prize wheel where everyone has a chance to win a prize! 
  • 2018 Membership Drive and Prize Drawing - anyone who has signed up for a 2018 PMQG Membership before (or at) the meeting will be entered into a special prize draw for fantastic prizes. Avoid lines at the meeting and sign up online. Anyone who has signed up online will automatically be entered into the drawing (but you must be present to win).
  • BOM Showcase and Prize Drawing - any PMQG member who brings a finished BOM quilt or quilt top  will be entered into a special drawing. Remember: you don’t have to make a quilt using all nine blocks – it could also be a baby quilt, table runner, etc. We can’t wait to see everyone’s version of the BOM!
  • BOM Quilt Raffle - now's your chance to win the dazzling 2017 PMQG BOM Quilt - Stars Galore, designed and pieced by Anne Matlak and quilted by Denise Shoup of 47 Stitches. Tickets can be purchased at the meeting or online. The BOM Quilt Raffle is open to PMQG members and non-members. The winning raffle ticket will be chosen at the meeting, but you do not have to be present to win.
  • UFO Club Prize Drawing - for each completed UFO quilt project on a club member's list, their name will be entered into the drawing. One lucky member will win the prize money - half of all the entry fees! (The other half will go to the PMQG Scholarship Fund.) Club Members - be sure to let Marcia Mersky know about any completed projects.
  • Show and Tell

Here’s what to bring:

  • Cash or checks to buy BOM Quilt raffle tickets and gifts at the holiday bazaar.
  • Completed charity blocks or quilts

  • Completed zipper bags (and/or full size toiletry items) for Embrace Oregon

  • Quilt for Show and Tell – limit one quilt per person

  • A dessert to share

  • A mug for tea


  • A few volunteers who can arrive at 6:30 to help with meeting room setup

Upcoming Events:

Meeting Time & Location

Thursday, December 7th from 7 to 9 pm
St. Andrew Catholic Church, 806 NE Alberta Street

November Meeting Recap

Our November meeting was all about Mister Domestic.

But first, some announcements:

BOM Quilt Raffle

Full Quilt.jpg

Raffle tickets for the 2017 BOM Star Quilt are now available for purchase. They are $2.00 per ticket or $10.00 for 6 tickets. They can be purchased by cash or check at the December 7th meeting or on the PMQG website. The raffle is open to PMQG members and non-members alike. Proceeds from the raffle will fund our Charity Quilts program.


2018 Officers

We reintroduced our 2018 officers, who are:

President:                                                                             Kimberly Buckley
Vice President for Technology and Social Media:            Erin Case
Vice President for Membership and Procurement:          Judy Livingston
Secretary:                                                                             Michelle Freedman
Treasurer:                                                                             Barbara Trepiccione
Programs Coordinator for Meetings:                                 Susan Beal
Programs Coordinator for Workshops:                              MereAnn Reid

We still have a few open volunteers positions open for 2018:  Free table; Sew Day; Charity Table; New Members/Guests Welcome committee; and Westside Hand Sew Happy Hour Host. 

December Meeting

  • Remember: our December meeting will be on the first Thursday - December 7th.
  • The December meeting will be a holiday party with: a dessert buffet (no potluck this year); a Prize Wheel; a container swap; and a holiday bazaar.
  • Bring your finished 2017 BOM tops and quilts to the December meeting for a special Show and Tell. Everyone who brings one will be entered in a special prize drawing.  Post photos of your BOM on Instagram with the hashtag #PMQG2017BOM
  • The UFO Club will be wrapping up the year and doing its prize drawing at the December meeting. One lucky member will win the prize money - half of all the entry fees! (The other half will go to the PMQG Scholarship Fund.)
  • For this year’s holiday swap, the theme is Containers -- any thing that holds other things. This could be a bag, box, wallet, journal cover, etc - anything that can hold something. Sign up isn’t required for the swap. If you want to participate, just make a container (please don't fill your container with any extras) and bring it to the December meeting. You will then go home with a container made by a fellow guild member. Make one, take one!
  • There is still time to sign up to be a vendor at the Holiday Bazaar. You can sell fabric or any item handmade by you. Choose a half or full table - there is no charge. Please complete the Sign-Up Form by Sunday, November 26th.

Additional Updates

  • Betty Colburn, the 2017 PMQG Treasurer, reviewed the guild financial statement.
  • November 30th is the MQG deadline for requesting a complimentary 4-day pass to QuiltCon, getting a member discount for lectures and classes at QuiltCon, and for submitting a quilt.
  • Latifah Saafir is teaching her Glam Clam quilt at Fabric Depot on December 9th. There a few spots left.   
  • Meredith Hobbs gave a short presentation about using facing instead of binding on your Word Quilts.
  • We are still collecting large zipper pouches and full size personal care items for Embrace Oregon.  Thank you to everyone who has already made bags and collected toiletries for this project.  There are links to tutorials and free zipper bag patterns on the website. 
  • 2018 PMQG memberships go on sale online on December 1st.  They can also be purchased at the December meeting.  There will be a special raffle at the December 7th meeting for all members who have purchased their 2018 memberships.
  • 2018 is a year to look forward to!  Chawne Kimber is coming in June for a lecture and workshops.  In November, Anna Maria Horner will be here for a lecture and workshops.

Mister Domestic

Mister Domestic 4.jpg

Mathew Boudreaux of Mister Domestic delivered a talk and trunk show titled "Lose Control to Find Your Voice." He shared how he has evolved as a quilter, with examples of his fabric weaving, EPP, and improv quilts.

Photos from his talk can be found on Flickr.


Wrapping Up

We had lots of fantastic raffle prizes:

  • The Cath Hall Quilt Market Extravaganza bundle was won by Patty Turner.
  • The Mister Domestic/Violet Craft bundle was won by Angie McGinley.
  • The Art Gallery Fabrics bundle was won by Sharon Bishop.
  • The four fabulous extra prizes from Mister Domestic and Art Gallery Fabrics were won by Barbara Sanders, Elsa Hart, Cheryl Farris, and Jessica Prosper-Bohannon.

    Show and Tell

    Spectrum by Meghan Buchanan

    Spectrum by Meghan Buchanan

    Our Show and Tell was as beautiful, varied and inspiring as ever.  Thank you, members, for continuing to share your fabulous work with us!  Photos of all of the show and tell quilts can be found on Flickr.






      Meeting Slides

      November Meeting Reminder

      We hope you can make it to our November meeting this Thursday, November 16th.

      Here’s what’s happening:

      • Lecture by Mathew Boudreaux of Mister Domestic - "Lose Control to Find Your Voice"
      • December Holiday Bazaar Update

      • December Container Swap Details

      • Preview of 2018 Programs

      • Show and Tell

      • Door Prizes!


      Here’s what to bring:

      • Cash or checks to buy BOM Quilt raffle tickets
      • Completed charity blocks or quilts

      • Completed zipper bags (and/or full size toiletry items) for Embrace Oregon

      • Quilt for Show and Tell – limit one quilt per person

      • Your name tag (for an extra raffle ticket!)

      • A mug for tea

      • Any quilt-related items you have for the Free Tables


      Don’t forget:

      • Only 2017 members receive raffle tickets at the monthly meetings for a chance to win fantastic prizes
      • Show your 2017 membership card for express lane meeting entry

      • Get an extra raffle ticket if you have a November or December birthday

      • There are still a few 2018 Volunteer Coordinator opportunities -- check them out here


      • A few volunteers who can arrive at 6:30 to help with meeting room setup


      Upcoming Events:


      Meeting Time & Location:

      Thursday, November 16th from 7 to 9 pm
      St. Andrew Catholic Church, 806 NE Alberta Street

      PMQG Holiday Bazaar, Container Swap & More

      Holiday Bazaar
      As part of the December Guild Meeting, we’ll have a small holiday bazaar for PMQG members to sell any handmade items or fabric (precuts, fat quarters, and larger pieces). Any items you’re planning to sell (other than fabric) must be hand-made by you. In order to plan for the event, all vendors need to sign up ahead of time for space at the bazaar. (Note: there is no charge for a table.) Please complete the Sign-Up Form by Sunday, November 26th.


      Container Swap
      Also at the December meeting, there will be a handmade gift swap for PMQG members. The theme of the swap is “Containers.” This could be a bag, box, wallet, journal cover, etc - anything that can hold something. Sign up isn’t required for the swap. If you want to participate, just make a container (please don't fill your container with any extras) and bring it to the December meeting. You will then go home with a container made by a fellow guild member. Make one, take one!


      UFO Quilt Projects
      The UFO Club will be wrapping up the year and doing its prize drawing at the December meeting. So, all you UFO Club members, be sure to finish up any projects and bring them to show and tell at the December 7th meeting. Remember: for each completed UFO quilt project on your list, your name will be entered into the drawing. One lucky member will win the prize money - half of all the entry fees! (The other half will go to the PMQG Scholarship Fund.)


      BOM Quilts
      Any PMQG member who brings a finished BOM quilt or quilt top to show at the December meeting will be entered into a special drawing. Remember: you don’t have to make a quilt using all nine blocks – it could also be a baby quilt, table runner, etc. We can’t wait to see everyone’s version of the BOM!

      Quilt Showcase Recap

      In place of our monthly meeting, we got together to celebrate our work at the First Annual PMQG Member Quilt Showcase, held at the Lagunitas Community Room on October 19th.

      Dawn McCauley

      Dawn McCauley

      We were fortunate to have had many submissions by our talented members, and our jury, Marilyn Joyce and Arthur De Bow (you can read about them on the Showcase page of our website), had the difficult task of choosing just twenty quilts for the show.

      Photos of the Showcase are on our website and on Flickr.



      The Bountiful Challenge Mini Quilts made their debut at the Showcase, and the challenge winners (chosen by Art Gallery Fabrics and Bountiful designer Sharon Holland) were announced.  Maddison Stapleton won first place for her mini, Alis Volat Propriis; Kimberly Lumapas's mini, Overflow, won second place; and Windsong by Ruthie Windsong was third.  Congratulations to the winners, who will each receive a passel of prizes from Art Gallery Fabrics.  You can see all of the mini quilts on the Challenge page of our website.  Also check out Sharon Holland's blog post about the challenge.

      We did take a few minutes from admiring the quilts to announce the results of the recent Guild elections.  The Amended Bylaws were ratified.  PMQG voted overwhelmingly to remain part of The Modern Quilt Guild.

      We introduced our 2018 officers, who are:

      President:                                                                             Kimberly Buckley
      Vice President for Technology and Social Media:            Erin Case
      Vice President for Membership and Procurement:          Judy Livingston
      Secretary:                                                                             Michelle Freedman
      Treasurer:                                                                             Barbara Trepiccione
      Programs Coordinator for Meetings:                                 Susan Beal
      Programs Coordinator for Workshops:                              MereAnn Reid

      Thank you so much for volunteering to serve on the 2018 Board!  We're looking forward to a great year.

      Sara Flynn

      Sara Flynn

      We also gave away lots and lots of door prizes to many winners.  We're so grateful to all of the businesses who donated door prizes for the Showcase:

      The Showcase wouldn't have been possible without the help of some wonderful community donations.  A huge thank you to:

      Kelly Cole

      Kelly Cole

      Thank you also to PMQG members Chelsea Clarke-Pitt and Jenny Rodriguez for their invaluable contributions to our refreshments and to the many Guild members who helped with set up, take down, and all the tasks necessary to put on an event like this.  We couldn’t have done it without you all -- you're the best!

      It truly was a special night -- thank you to all of our members who contributed their beautiful work and to all of you who came out in the rain to spend some quality quilty time together!

      September Meeting Recap

      Our September meeting was all about Telling Your Stash Story and Making Your Quilts Sparkle.

      But first, some announcements:

      Fabric Depot

      • Our PMQG Business Sponsor Fabric Depot is having their semi-annual warehouse sale the weekend of October 20-22, and PMQG members have early bird access on Friday, October 20th.  A VIP Pass, to get in at 8 am on Friday, was included in the recap email.
      • Fabric Depot is having a Stash Swap event on Saturday, October 28th from 10 to 2. You can buy, sell or trade your stash.  If you have fabric to sell, tables are $10 and can be shared.
               First Kiss by Latifah Saafir

               First Kiss by Latifah Saafir

      • Fabric Depot is bringing Latifah Saafir back to Portland to teach her Glam Clam Quilt on Saturday, December 9th.  If you missed taking a class with Latifah when she came to PMQG in June, here's your second chance.  You can sign up here.



      The Modern Quilt Guild

      • The Modern Quilt Guild is holding its second international mini swap. They are looking for swap fairies now, and participant sign ups open on October 1st.  The swaps will happen at 2018 QuiltCon if you’re going, or by mail in February if you’re not.
      • The MQG is conducting a member content survey.  What do you want from your MQG membership?  Take the survey here.
      • The MQG's 2016 Annual Report is now available for download.
      • The deadline to submit quilts to 2018 QuiltCon is November 30th.


      PMQG members will be voting electronically in October on three matters:

      • Election of 2018 Officers
      • Adoption of Amended Bylaws
      • Should PMQG remain part of the Modern Quilt Guild? 

      Four people have stepped forward to serve as officers in 2018, so we just need three more!  Check out the Recruitment Page on our website to read about being next year's:

      • Secretary
      • Vice President of Membership and Procurement or
      • Programs Coordinator for Workshops

      If you don't feel like you can make the commitment to be an officer (it's fun, though!), how about being a Volunteer Coordinator?  Read all about the available positions here

      Look for an email from the Guild on October 6th, which will contain your electronic ballot and voting information, including the proposed Amended Bylaws and a fact sheet on MQG membership.

      Upcoming Events

      Submit your quilts today!

      • PMQG member Mathew Boudreaux, aka Mister Domestic, will be the guest speaker at our November meeting.

      • PLEASE NOTE that our December meeting is earlier than usual.  It's on the first Thursday of December - December 7th.  

      • For this year’s Holiday Swap, the theme is Containers: any thing that holds other things. It can be a bag, a box, a wallet, a journal cover, etc.  You don’t need to sign up or supply fabric in order to participate.  All you have to do is make a container of your choice and bring it to our December meeting.   We'll assign each item a number and then put a tag with that number on a tree.  At the break, everyone who brought an item will take a number.  The swap items will then be passed out by a Santa-like figure.  No pressure, no stress. Just make one, take one.

      Quilts We're Making

      • The pattern and instructions for the final block in our 9-block Block of the Month series have been posted to the website.  We love seeing your blocks in person and on social media!  Please continue posting your blocks and quilt tops on Instagram under the hashtag #pmqg2017BOM.  

        We'll have a grand show and tell of completed BOM tops and quilts at our December meeting. There might be a prize involved, so keep working on those BOMs!
      • Meredith Hobbs gave a presentation about quilting words into quilts - a good tool to use in our Word Quilt Challenge quilts.
      • Our current charity projects are quilts for Legacy Hospice and for the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit at Doernbecher Children's Hospital. We're also making large zipper bags filled with full-size toiletries for Embrace Oregon. Come make quilts with us at September Charity Sew Day on Thursday, September 28th from 10 to 4 at Modern Domestic.  Just bring yourself, and come for as little or as long as you like.

      Sandra Clemons


      Author and pattern and fabric designer Sandra Clemons spoke to us about how she uses color in her quilts and showed us all of the quilts from her first book, Scrap Patchwork: Traditionally Modern Quilts.  A visual recap of Sandra's lecture can be found here.

      Wrapping Up

      We had three fantastic raffle prizes:

      Cath and part of her prize

      Cath and part of her prize


      Garden Lattice by Terri Torke

      Garden Lattice by Terri Torke


      We finished up the meeting with our always amazing Show and Tell. Photos of the Show and Tell quilts can be found on Flickr.





      Don't Miss

      Meeting Slides

      September Meeting Reminder

      We hope you can make it to our September meeting this Thursday, September 21st.

      Remember to bring your membership card for express lane entry and to form two entry lines.

      Here’s what’s happening:

      Here’s what to bring:

      • August BOM quilt blocks for showing off

      • Completed charity blocks or quilts

      • Completed zipper bags (and/or full size toiletry items) for Embrace Oregon

      • Completed blocks for the 2018 QuiltCon Charity Quilt

      • Bountiful Challenge Mini Quilts for display at the Quilt Showcase if you participated in the Challenge

      • Quilt for Show and Tell – limit one quilt per person

      • Your nametag (for an extra raffle ticket!)

      • A mug for tea

      • Any quilt-related items you have for the Free Tables

      Don’t forget:

      • Only 2017 members receive raffle tickets at the monthly meetings for a chance to win fantastic prizes
      • Show your 2017 membership card for express lane meeting entry

      • Get an extra raffle ticket if you have a September or October birthday


      • A few volunteers who can arrive at 6:30 to help with meeting room setup

      Upcoming Events:

      Meeting Time & Location

      Thursday, September 21st from 7 to 9 pm
      St. Andrew Catholic Church, 806 NE Alberta Street

      We Want Your Quilts!

      The Showcase of PMQG Member Quilts is coming up soon - at our October Guild Meeting on Thursday, October 19th at The Lagunitas Community Room (237 NE Broadway, Portland).

      All PMQG members can submit up to three quilts (only one quilt per member will be displayed, if accepted).

      Quilts must be no larger than 72”(w) x 96”(l) and need to have been made within the last three years.

      Visit the PMQG Quilt Showcase webpage for more information.

      Submit your quilts today 

      Magic Is Happening at PMQG

      Our last workshop of the year is happening on Saturday, September 23rd at Lagunitas Community Room. Sandra Clemons will teach us how to make her beautiful quilt, Magic.  The pattern and instructions for Magic are in Sandra’s book, Scrap Patchwork. You can find the book on Sandra’s website or at all the usual places. Sandra will also have books for sale at our September meeting.

      The Magic pattern uses two templates. We are getting some hard plastic templates made for the workshop - $8 for the set of two. If you want a set, please email the Guild at portlandmodernquiltguild@gmail.com by Monday, September 18th.

      The cost of the workshop for PMQG members is $75, and for non-PMQG members it’s $85.  Sign up now for a fun day making Magic with Sandra Clemons!

      August Meeting Recap

      Our August meeting was all about Igniting Your Creativity and Exploring Techniques to Add Imagery and Meaning to your Work.

      But first, some announcements:

      Check out our New and Improved Website for all the PMQG News!

      • We have two new tools for members on our website.  Under the Resources tab, you’ll find:

        •  The PMQG Bulletin Board, where you can read and post about quilt-related events, sales and more; and
        • The Small Quilt Groups Forum, which can be used both to recruit new members for existing groups and to start new groups.  There is also a general discussion thread.
      • Be a PMQG Officer or Volunteer Coordinator in 2018!  These are fun and rewarding positions -- you’ll work with your fellow PMQG leaders to plan events, bring speakers and teachers to our beautiful city, and guide the largest local modern quilt guild in the world.  You’ll find all the information about 2018 positions, including real talk from the current officers, on the 2018 Officers and Volunteer Coordinators Page.  Feel free to email the Guild with any questions and to nominate yourself for a position.

      Ongoing Projects

      Final August 2017 BOM Instructions (1).jpg
      • PMQG Secretary Anne Matlak introduced the August Block of the Month, the 8th block in our 9-block series, Stars Galore.  We will have a show of finished and unfinished Stars Galore quilts at our December meeting (which will be held on the 1st Thursday in December).
      • The Guild Stars Galore Block of the Month Quilt will be raffled at the December meeting, and the proceeds will go to our Charity Quilts Program.  We’re looking for a volunteer to quilt the Guild Quilt.  Volunteer Quilter, you will be able to take the quilt at the September meeting and we don’t need it back until late November (just in enough time to bind it!).  Please email the guild to volunteer.
      2018 QC Quilt Whole (2).jpg



      • Our Charity Zipper Bag project for the third trimester will be zipper bags filled with full-size toiletries for Embrace Oregon, a nonprofit whose mission is to “stand in the gap for vulnerable children and families in partnership with the Department of Human Services.”  Our zipper bags will be given to young people aging out of foster care.  You can find links to free tutorials and details about the most wanted items here.  Feel free to donate just bags or just toiletry items.  We’re so happy to have this opportunity to help young people who are going out into the world on their own with very little.

      Upcoming events

      • Our September guest speaker will be Sandra Clemons.  Sandra makes wonderful modern scrap quilts, and she will be teaching our last workshop of the year on her quilt, Magic, on Saturday, September 23rd. You can sign up here.  Some examples of Sandra's work:
      • Our Member Quilt Showcase will be our October meeting at the Lagunitas Community Room.  Members are encouraged to submit up to three quilts made within the last three years.  Submissions are now open, and will close on September 28th.  Please go here to submit your quilts.  We're looking forward to celebrating our work together!

      rebecca ringquist

      reb (1).jpg

      Rebecca Ringquist gave a very inspiring talk about ways to spark your creativity and encouraged us to try new techniques and ideas to enhance and add meaning to our work.  She opened her sketchbooks to us, talked about her creative process, and demonstrated how a seed of an idea can take root and grow into something unique and truly beautiful.  Her work is so intricate and layered and so original.  Thank you, Rebecca, we're so glad you're in Portland now and a part of our guild!

      wrapping up

      • Joy Ruplinger put out a call for old-style tomato pincushions for a senior group.  If you have any lying around, she would be happy to take them off your hands at the next meeting.
      • We had three wonderful raffle prize bundles:


      • The Up Your Machine Quilting Game Bundle, generously donated by Cool Cottons, Mister Domestic and Quilters Dream, was won by Heather Davidson (Heather has served on the Board twice and been a PMQG member forever, and she said this was her first time winning.  Baby Ellie Joy brought her luck!)



      show and tell

      The Eclipse by Annie Tinnesand and AnnMarie Cowley

      The Eclipse by Annie Tinnesand and AnnMarie Cowley


      Our Show and Tell was as beautiful, varied and inspiring as ever.  Thank you, members, for continuing to share your fabulous work with us!  Photos of all of the show and tell quilts can be found on Flickr.


      don't miss!

      meeting slides

      August Meeting Reminder

      We hope you can make it to our August meeting this Thursday, August 17th.

      Remember to bring your membership card for express lane entry and to form two entry lines.

      Here’s what’s happening:

      Magic by Sandra Clemons

      Magic by Sandra Clemons


      Here’s what to bring:

      • July BOM quilt blocks for showing off

      • Completed charity blocks or quilts

      • Completed pencil case zipper bags (last chance!)

      • Quilt for Show and Tell – limit one quilt per person

      • Your nametag (for an extra raffle ticket!)

      • A mug for tea

      • Any quilt-related items you have for the Free Tables


      Don’t forget:

      • Only 2017 members receive raffle tickets at the monthly meetings for a chance to win fantastic prizes

      • Show your 2017 membership card for express lane meeting entry

      • Get an extra raffle ticket if you have an August birthday



      • A few volunteers who can arrive at 6:30 and help with meeting room setup


      Upcoming Events:


      Meeting Time & Location:

      Thursday, August 17th from 7 to 9 pm
       St. Andrew Catholic Church, 806 NE Alberta Street


      2018 QuiltCon Charity Quilt

      Thank you to our members who submitted design proposals for the PMQG 2018 QuiltCon Charity Quilt.  AnnMarie Cowley and her committee have chosen a design, and it's a beauty.  The design was submitted by PMQG member Annie Tinnesand.

      Quilt name ideas? Email the Guild!

      Quilt name ideas? Email the Guild!

      AnnMarie has generously donated the fabric for the quilt (thanks, AnnMarie!) and she and her crew are busy kitting up blocks for our members to sew.  Block kits will be separated into three categories: Easy, Easier, and Easiest, and will be available for members to take at our August meeting.

      Joyce Dean Gieszler created the pattern for the quilt, and Kazumi Peterson has generously donated her amazing longarm quilting skills, so get ready to make a fabulous quilt to show at QuiltCon 2018!  

      July Meeting Recap

      Our July meeting was all about Fear, Failure, and Creativity.

      But first, some announcements:

      • There are two lines to enter the meeting: the one on the right is for guests, new members and members who need to pick up their membership cards.  The one on the left is the Express Lane for members with cards.  Meeting entry will go faster with two lines.
      • The Free Table has morphed into the Free Tables.  We put out a call for a Free Table Volunteer Coordinator to serve until the end of the year and Lori Friedman (who has been doing it for the past couple of months) stepped up.  Thank you, Lori!
      • Members can purchase additional raffle tickets for $1 each.  Beginning at our August meeting, you will be able to purchase tickets at the Raffle Table in addition to the Membership/Info Table.

      Website Updates

      If you haven't checked out our website lately, you should!  We've recently added some new features, including Book and Webinar Reviews and a Bulletin Board, where you can read and post about quilt-related events, sales and more.  If you would like to submit a book or MQG webinar review (including reviews of Fresh Quilting episodes), email them to us at portlandmodernquiltguild@gmail.com.

      Past Events

      The 42nd Annual Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show was held July 8, 2017.  PMQG had a special exhibit in the show for the seventh time.  The theme of our exhibit was Community in Quilts.  You can read all about the show and our exhibit here.

      UPCOMING Events

      Rebecca Ringquist of Dropcloth Samplers will be the guest speaker at our August meeting and she is presenting a workshop for PMQG on August 19th called DRAW, TRACE, STITCH! FREEHAND MACHINE EMBROIDERY, where she will teach you how to transfer drawings you will do in class onto fabric and then free hand stitch them using the free motion foot on your sewing machine. If you've been looking for a way to loosen up and add imagery and meaning to your quilts with freehand machine embroidery, this is your class! The class is now open to non-PMQG members as well.  We met Rebecca in person at our July meeting and she brought samples of some of her amazing work using the techniques she will be teaching.  There are still spots available in Rebecca's workshop - you can sign up here.

      Magic by Sandra Clemons

      Magic by Sandra Clemons

      Sandra Clemons will be the guest speaker at our September meeting and she is presenting a workshop for PMQG on September 23rd.  Scholarship requests are being accepted until midnight on July 28th.  Applicants will be notified on July 29th, and sign ups for the workshop will go live at 10:00 am on Sunday, July 30th.


      The PMQG Member Quilt Showcase will take the place of our October meeting and will be held at the Lagunitas Community Room on October 19, 2017.  Food (thank you, Zupan's Markets!) and beer (thank you, Lagunitas!) will be served.  PMQG members are encouraged to submit up to three quilts made within the last three years.  Space is limited, so a maximum of one quilt per entrant will be shown.

      Quilts We're Making

      Meredith Hobbs gave her final presentation about letter making techniques you might want to use in the Word Quilt you're making for our special exhibit at the 2018 Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show.  Meredith spoke about improv lettering and showed some beautiful examples of that technique.  Be sure to use the hashtag #PMQGspeaks2017 when posting your Word Quilt progress to social media.

      Anne Matlak presented the July Block of the Month, which uses strip piecing and includes a Y-seam, so this is your chance to conquer those if you haven't yet. The July block instructions contain a link to a tutorial on Y-seams, and Anne also walks you through the process.  Be sure to use the hashtag #PMQG2017BOM when posting your blocks to social media.

      We're looking for a volunteer to quilt the Guild's Block of the Month quilt.  Anne will have it ready by September 24th, and we won't need it back until mid-November.  We will raffle it off at the December meeting, with the proceeds going to the PMQG Scholarship Fund.  If you would like to volunteer, please email us at portlandmodernquiltguild@gmail.com.

      Charity Projects

      We're making quilts for the Legacy Hospice Passage Quilts Program and the Doernbecher PICU this trimester.  You can find information about size requirements here.  You can post your charity quilts to social media using the hashtag #PMQGcharityquilt.

      We are making pencil cases for Back-2-School Fresh.  Back-2-School Fresh's back to school event is going to take place before our August meeting, so we will need to receive the pencil cases either at August Open Sew Day or at a downtown drop off location by August 14th.  If you have pencil cases to donate and can't make it to August Open Sew Day, please email the guild and we'll give you the address of the drop off location. You can post your zipper bags on social media using the hashtag #PMQGzipperbags.

      Thank you for the many charity quilts and zipper bags you've made this year -- you're awesome!

      Jen Carlton Bailly

      Jen Carlton Bailly gave a thought-provoking presentation on Fear, Failure, and Creativity.  She spoke about how the greatest barrier to success is the fear of failure and how success is achieved by doing the work, being open to feedback and trying new things.  She encouraged us not to compare ourselves to others and to find one successful thing in the project that we consider a failure and then build on that.  Jen also did a trunk show of her beautiful quilts, a recap of which can be found here.

      Jen generously donated her entire speaking fee to the PMQG Scholarship Fund.  Thank you so much, Jen!

      Wrapping Up

      We had some extra wonderful prizes in our “Christmas in July” raffle bundles this month.

      The Kickstart Your Embroidery Adventures bundle, with items donated by PMQG member Sam Hunter of Hunter’s Design Studio, PMQG member Mister Domestic, and Quilters Dream Batting was won by Fran Gardner.

      Cher Smith won the Sandra Clemons bundle, with items donated by June Tailor, Sam HunterMister Domestic, and Quilters Dream Batting.

      Jennie McKee won The Learn to Quilt bundle, with items donated by Mister Domestic, Sam HunterQuilters Dream Batting, and June Tailor. Jennie bought extra raffle tickets because she wanted to win the Pfaff sewing machine that was part of this bundle for her granddaughter and it worked!

      Miranda and Jen with her prize

      Miranda and Jen with her prize


      Jen Carlton-Bailly also generously donated a cute bag filled with a full set of her templates, a 28 mm rotary cutter and blades, a glue stick and a seam ripper. Miranda Gargiulo was the happy winner of this bundle.


      To finish up a fine summer evening, we had another inspiring Show and Tell by our members.  All of the show and tell quilts can be seen here.

      Four Strong Winds by Jennie McKee

      Four Strong Winds by Jennie McKee

      Upcoming Events

      Open Sew Day
      Saturday, August 5th, 10 - 8
      Fabric Depot, 700 SE 122nd Ave

      August Monthly Meeting
      Thursday, August 17th, 7 - 9
      St. Andrew Catholic Church, 806 NE Alberta St.

      Hand Sew Happy Hour
      Sunday, August 27th, 2 - 4
      Eastside - Pix Patisserie, 2225 E Burnside St
      Westside - Craft Pour House, 16055 SW Regatta Lane, Beaverton

      july meeting slides

      July Meeting Reminder

      We hope you can make it to our July meeting this Thursday, July 20th.

      Remember to bring your membership card for express lane entry.


      Here’s what’s happening:


      “Fear, Failure, and Creativity” – Lecture and Trunk Show by Jen Carlton Bailly.




      Here’s what to bring:

      • June BOM quilt blocks for showing off

      • Completed charity blocks or quilts

      • Completed pencil case zipper bags

      • Quilt for Show and Tell – limit one quilt per person

      • Your nametag (for an extra raffle ticket!)

      • A mug for coffee or tea

      • Any quilt-related items you have for the Free Table


      Don’t forget:

      • Only 2017 members receive raffle tickets at the monthly meetings for a chance to win fantastic prizes

      • Show your 2017 membership card for express lane meeting entry

      • Get an extra raffle ticket if you have a July birthday



      • A few volunteers who can arrive at 6:30 and help with meeting room setup


      Upcoming Events:


      Meeting Time & Location:


      June Meeting Recap

      Our June meeting was all about LATIFAH SAAFIR!

      But first, some announcements:

      Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show
      The Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show is Saturday, July 8th.  Be sure to stop by the PMQG Special Exhibit, Community in Quilts. 

      Small Quilt Groups
      If you signed up for a small quilt group at a meeting but never heard from us, we may not have been able to read your email address.  Please email the guild if you are interested in joining a small group and would like more information.

      Greenery by Moya Lehman

      Greenery by Moya Lehman

      QuiltCon 2018
      MQG member registration for QuiltCon 2018 in Pasadena began on June 26th.  

      There are two QuiltCon challenges.  It appears that sign ups for the Michael Miller Our Yard Fabric Challenge are closed.  For The American Patchwork & Quilting Flying Geese Challenge, participants are asked to modernize a traditional flying geese block (any variation is acceptable), and make it into a modern quilt using modern quilting elements. More information about the challenges can be found on the QuiltCon website.

      The theme of the QuiltCon 2018 Charity Quilt Challenge is Modern Traditionalism.  We are soliciting ideas for our PMQG Charity Quilt until June 30th.  Designs that fit the theme of Modern Traditionalism can be submitted in the form of a hand or computer-generated drawing. Designs should be composed of blocks that can be kitted and distributed to members for sewing.

      Please email your design ideas to the guild (portlandmodernquiltguild at gmail.com) by June 30th and AnnMarie Cowley and her committee will pick a winner.  You can also email the guild if you would like to volunteer to make a block or two for this quilt.  We can't wait to see what our talented members come up with! Remember, the winner will receive a mini quilt made especially for them by AnnMarie Cowley!

      Block of the Month
      The June Block of the Month was presented.  The instructions for the June BOM and all previous months' blocks can be found on our website.  Be sure to check out the Tips section for information about sewing an accurate quarter-inch seam.



      June BOM by Anne Matlak

      June BOM by Anne Matlak

      Charity Projects
      PMQG donated 41 charity quilts in June!  This trimester we're making quilts for the Legacy Hospice Passage Quilts program and the Doernbecher Children's Hospital PICU.  Information about these organizations and size requirements for the quilts can be found here.  This summer we're partnering with Back-2-School Fresh to make pencil cases for local schoolchildren who need them.   Information about the organization and links to free pencil case patterns can be found here.

      Latifah Saafir

      Latifah Saafir gave an incredibly inspiring and moving presentation about Being True to Your Inner Artist.  She also brought many quilts to show us, including her brand new quilts made to showcase her latest fabric line, Double Dutch (coming soon to Fabric Depot!). The photo recap of Latifah's lecture can be found on the PMQG Flickr page.

      Workshops and Showcase

      The July 22nd workshop with Jen Carlton Bailly is now full, but you can sign up on the waitlist and we'll contact you if a space becomes available.

      Sailor's Delight by Rebecca Ringquist

      Sailor's Delight by Rebecca Ringquist

      Rebecca Ringquist of Dropcloth Samplers will be teaching an embroidery workshop entitled Draw, Trace, Stitch! for PMQG on August 19th.  Details can be found here. Scholarship requests are open until July 10th.  PMQG members can apply for a scholarship here

      The Showcase of PMQG Member Quilts will be held on Thursday, October 19th.  Due to space constraints, this is a members only event and, due to catering requirements, members will be required to RSVP.  We hope you are making quilts for the Showcase or have in mind a special quilt you want to submit.  Members may submit up to three quilts for consideration, but only one quilt per member will be shown.  More information (including size specifications) will be posted on our website soon.

      Wrapping Up

      Three of our members won fabulous raffle prizes in June:  

      Julie Walters with part of her raffle prize

      Julie Walters with part of her raffle prize

      Virginia Hammon won the Hoffman Fabrics Bundle, with items donated by Hoffman California Fabrics, Quilters Dream Batting and Sunflower Quilts.

      Julie Walters won the Elizabeth Hartman Bundle, with items donated by Elizabeth Hartman, Fabric Depot, C&T Publishing, June Tailor and The Warm Company.

      Elise Makler won the Noodlehead / Amy Sinibaldi Bundle, with items donated by Noodlehead, Art Gallery Fabrics and Quilters Dream Batting.

      Apples by Jessica Prosper

      Apples by Jessica Prosper

      As always, we enjoyed a fabulous show and tell of quilts made by our wonderfully creative members, all of which can be seen on Flickr

      Upcoming Events

      Open Sew Day
      Saturday, July 1st, 10 - 8
      Fabric Depot, 700 SE 122nd Ave

      Hand Sew Happy Hour
      Sunday, July 23rd, 2 - 4
      Eastside - Pix Patisserie, 2225 E Burnside St
      Westside - Craft Pour House, 16055 SW Regatta Lane, Beaverton

      Current information about all PMQG events and activities can always be found here.

      June Meeting Slides

      June Meeting Reminder

      We hope you can make it to our June meeting next week on Thursday, June 22nd.

      Remember to bring your membership card for express lane entry. There will be a guest fee of $5 for all non-PMQG members - if you’re bringing a guest, please plan to pay with cash or check.

      Here’s what’s happening:

      Being True to Your Inner Artist – Lecture and Trunk Show by Latifah Saafir of Latifah Saafir Studios.

      * There are two spots left in Latifah’s Design Your Own Bias Tape Applique Workshop on Friday, June 23rd.


      Here’s what to bring:

      • May BOM quilt blocks for showing off
      • Completed charity blocks or quilts
      • Completed pencil case zipper bags
      • Quilt for Show and Tell – limit one quilt per person
      • Your nametag
      • A mug for coffee or tea
      • Any quilt-related items you have for the Free Table

      Don’t forget:

      • Only 2017 PMQG members receive raffle tickets at the monthly meetings for a chance to win fantastic prizes
      • Show your 2017 membership card for express lane meeting entry
      • All guest pay $5 at the June meeting


      • A few volunteers who can arrive at 6:30 to help with meeting room setup

      Upcoming Events:

      • Open Sew Day at Fabric Depot - Saturday, June 17th from 10 to 8
      • Latifah Saafir Pickled Beets Workshop - Thursday, June 22nd from 11:30 to 2:30
      • Latifah Saafir Design Your Own Bias Tape Applique Quilt Workshop - Friday, June 23rd from 10 to 5
      • Latifah Saafir Glam Clam Workshop - Saturday, June 24th from 10 to 5
      • Hand Sew Happy Hour - Sunday, June 25th from 2 to 4


      Meeting Time & Location
      Thursday, June 22nd from 7 to 9 pm
      St. Andrew Catholic Church, 806 NE Alberta Street