September Meeting Reminder
We hope you can make it to our September meeting this Thursday, September 21st.
Remember to bring your membership card for express lane entry and to form two entry lines.
Here’s what’s happening:
Lecture and Trunk Show by Sandra Clemons
A few spots are available in Sandra’s September 23rd Workshop. Sign up here (also open to non-PMQG members).
Update on the PMQG Member Quilt Showcase
Update on 2018 Officers and Volunteer Coordinator Nominations (preview: your Guild needs you! Email us today!)
Showcase of August BOM quilt blocks and unveiling of September BOM block (the 9th and final block in our Block of the Month Series!)
Show and Tell
Here’s what to bring:
August BOM quilt blocks for showing off
Completed charity blocks or quilts
Completed zipper bags (and/or full size toiletry items) for Embrace Oregon
Completed blocks for the 2018 QuiltCon Charity Quilt
Bountiful Challenge Mini Quilts for display at the Quilt Showcase if you participated in the Challenge
Quilt for Show and Tell – limit one quilt per person
Your nametag (for an extra raffle ticket!)
A mug for tea
Any quilt-related items you have for the Free Tables
Don’t forget:
- Only 2017 members receive raffle tickets at the monthly meetings for a chance to win fantastic prizes
Show your 2017 membership card for express lane meeting entry
Get an extra raffle ticket if you have a September or October birthday
- A few volunteers who can arrive at 6:30 to help with meeting room setup
Upcoming Events:
Sandra Clemons Workshop - Saturday, September 23rd from 10 to 5
Hand Sew Happy Hour - Sunday, September 24th from 2 to 4
Charity Sew Day - Thursday, September 28th from 10 to 4
- Open Sew Day at Fabric Depot - Saturday, October 7th from 10 to 8
Meeting Time & Location
Thursday, September 21st from 7 to 9 pm
St. Andrew Catholic Church, 806 NE Alberta Street