Heather Joy Heather Joy

Which Quilt Should Go to QuiltCon?

Quilt Con is around the corner and the deadline for entering quilts into the quilt show is only days away! As a guild, we are entering one of the collaborative quilts we made this year to be shown in the Group Quilt Category. But we need your help deciding which quilt we should enter! Please vote for your favorite below.

Also, don't forget to enter some quilts of your own for the biggest Modern Quilt Show! Deadline is November 30!
1. Linear Quilt

2) Graphic Quilt

3) Improv Quilt

Graphic Quilt Wins!! Thanks for over 130 votes!! You guys are amazing! 
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ksciarrino ksciarrino

The official PMQG banner!

To Sisters she goes—as everyone is in route to the annual Sister's Quilt Show we'd like to thank all of our members who contributed blocks! Special thanks to Nancy for quilting (everyone has GOT to see her work on this—oh the variety), Cherri for donating the most perfect binding and backing fabric and Jen for hauling it to Sisters. If you aren't able to see it at the show this weekend it will be at the July 21st picnic and pretty much everywhere PMQG goes from here on out. Travel safe quilters!
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ksciarrino ksciarrino

Meeting 042111


Congratulations again to Jill for winning Project Modern Challenge II!
New Facebook page.
Saturday, May 21: Fabric Depot all-day sew, PMQG member's free
PNCA Quilt Show has closed.
Sisters Quilt Show: Anyone interested in pitching in for a bus ($40 ea.)
please let us know asap so we can plan accordingly
email: portlandmodernquiltguild@gmail.com if you did not put your name on the list already
If you have paid your membership and have not received your card or button please let us know.
email: portlandmodernquiltguild@gmail.com
Susan Beal organizer of Quilts for Quakes announced that 27 quilts are on their way to Japan!
PMQG Banner: we would like to make a guild logo banner to mark our presence at
various events—our first being the Sister's Quilt Show
We want to collaborate with you, so we're asking everyone who wants to partake to
submit a 6"x6" block (includes a 1/4" seam allowance)
any fabric or block pattern you can dream up (seriously).
If you need a visual (and the math), below is a sketch of what we're thinking:

10 MINUTE TUTE by Megan Pillow with "Envelope" Closure
Measure pillow and add 1/2," so a 20" x 20" pillow would be 20.5" x 20.5"
1. cut one piece "20.5 x 20.5," two pieces "20.5 x 14.5" to allow for a 6" overlap
2. layer the three pieces together pretty to pretty
3. sew a 1/4" seam around all four edges
4. turn inside out
5. stuff the pillow

PRESENTAION by Susan Beal "Log Cabin Quilting"

Susan brought along a few of her favorite books.

Let the presentation begin!

We have been experiencing difficulties with Blogger and regret that half of April's meeting post was deleted. Fortunately we're able to post some of the lost photos on Facebook—so head over there and check them out!
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