A new Project Modern Challege!

Project Modern

The buzz on the street is that some Portland Modern Quilters are already hard at work on their quilts for Challenge 2 of Project Modern.

Portland Quilters made quite a showing during Challenge 1. Guild members got to see four Project Modern entries in person during the November and December meetings. And we're certain you remember that Kristin was one of the winners with her stunning quilt, shown below.

We can't wait to see what PMQG members come up with for this monochromatic challenge. Read the rules at the Modern Quilt Guild's site. There's plenty of time for you to take part - entries aren't due until March 31st. So we think we'll be seeing a lot of inspiring monochromatic quilts at the April meeting!

So how about you? Are you planning to enter?

January meeting this Thursday - ROOM 205!


Sisters Quilt Show