January meeting this Thursday - ROOM 205!

PMQG is ready to kick off a new year of quilting and camaraderie! It all starts this coming Thursday, January 20th at 7pm. As usual, the meeting is at PNCA, 1241 Northwest Johnson Street. Meetings are open to members and non-members, and new quilters are welcome.

This meeting we'll invite you to share your thoughts and ideas about what makes PMQG great and how it could be even better. Together we'll dream up the coming year.

And there's plenty of quilting action to be had. Cherri will give a 10 minute tute. Cherri would like you to bring a pen or three in different colors to sketch along with her.

Will there be a giveaway? Oh yes, thanks to the Fat Quarter Shop!

And speaking of fat quarters, we'll have a fat quarter swap as well. Please bring a fat quarter of modern good quality quilting fabric to the meeting if you'd like to play! If you're cutting a fat quarter from yardage, that's 18" x 22".

Finally, we're happy to announce that membership will be up and rolling at this Thursday's meeting. If you've already paid your 2011 dues you'll get your card at the meeting. And if you pay at the meeting you can get your card then too! With your membership you can access members only discounts from local and online merchants.

What to bring to the meeting:
A quilt for show and tell, in any stage of completion!
A pen or pens to sketch along with the 10 minute tute
A fat quarter if you'd like to participate in the swap
Cash or check ($25) if you're planning to become a member
And your ideas about how we can be a great guild for you in 2011.

While it's not required, we'd appreciate an RSVP so we can have enough chairs and materials for everyone. Please leave a comment below if you plan to come. See you soon!

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A new Project Modern Challege!