Sisters Quilt Show

Hi everyone, thanks for being patient as I gather information for you on the Sisters Quilt show. For those of you who are not familiar with the Sisters Outdoor Quilt Festival, please visit their site!

What I know for now:
1. The quilt must be at least 36 inches square, not to exceed 104"
2. It must be able to hang outside
3. The quilt must have some kind of fabric label on the back
4. Photos and a description of the quilt you'd like to enter are due by the third week of Feb.
5. The quilt must reflect modern quilting

I'll have more information at the beginning of the year when they have the form published.

A few things to note:
I need to know if you plan on entering ASAP. If there are not at least 10-12 entries, I will open it up nationally to The Modern Quilt Guild by the second week of January! You don't need to be done by this date, I just need to know that you plan on entering.

Keep in mind that this is a Modern quilt exhibit. I would ask that you reflect about what that means to you and how you translate that into your quilts. I'd also suggest reading through this post about "What Modern Quilting Means to You".

There will be a Sisters Exhibit Comity who will go over each entry and reserves the right to omit any quilt if the guidelines are not met. (see above with a list with more specifics being posted at the beginning of 2011)

We will need at least eight volunteers to be able to speak to modern quilting and answer any questions people have during the show. Please let me know if you are interested in this as well.

The next step is to email me at jencarltonbailly at gmail dot com letting me know if you are interested. If you have a photo of the quilt you would like to enter please send that as well. Also please email with any questions I have not answered in this post. Note however that response times may be delayed a few days due to the holidays!

Thanks everyone-I think this is an amazing opportunity for us as modern quilters!

-Posted using BlogPress from my iPad-

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