We Want YOU To Be A 2015 PMQG Officer! (Nominations Closed)

It's self-nomination time! We're getting ready to select our 2015 officers and we want YOU! We are accepting self-nominations now through November 15th, and we will vote on officers at the November meeting. Nominations are now closed.

1.) You must be a PMQG member in good standing, and have been a member for at least 6 months.

That's it!

Other qualities that are great to have in an officer are: communication, teamwork, leadership, blogging, photography, speaking in front of groups, organization (not all skills needed for all positions).

So what are you committing to exactly? You're committing to one year of being an officer, which is attending one guild meeting and one officer meeting per  month. It's also great if you can attend as many other guild events as possible, such as Sew Days,  Charity Sews, Hand Sew Happy Hours, and New Member Mixers.

You're also committing to meeting a ton of new people and making new friends! The friends I've made in the last two years are amazing, and it's kind of awesome how much fun we can have while planning (and running!) a meeting. If you need a little push to get out and meet people, this is a wonderful way to do so.

Fun fact: Have you noticed we don't use the term "board" anymore, and rather only say "officer?" Well, that's because according to the bylaws we drafted last year, we have a board of directors and it's different (a bit) from the current officers! The actual board is made up of 10 people: the current year's officers and the officers of the previous year (so that means this year's board is only 9 people I guess, since I am counted twice since I was an officer last year!)

To self-nominate for a 2015 officer position, please carefully read the officer descriptions below and then fill out the self-nomination form.

Remember, these positions can be flexible! Your group of officers can share and trade duties as long as everything is taken care of! Maybe the secretary isn’t as comfortable with taking pictures as the Programs Coordinator, so they switch from the “assigned” tasks(we did that this year). Each team of officers can see what works for them, don’t count yourself out of a position because one part of it doesn’t fit you. Also keep in mind that we've cut down on some of the work by sharing out some of the current jobs of President, Treasurer, and Programs Coordinator into Committee Chairs for 2015.

Duties of President
  • Arranges meeting locations, sew days, and other events
  • Leads meetings
  • Keep insurance policy updated 
  • Helps VP with blogging and other social media
  • Makes sure other officers know their assigned duties and are carrying them out
  • Checks email daily and replies to members, sponsors, guests, etc
  • Note: no longer responsible for retreats and workshops

Duties of Vice President
  • In charge of blog and all social media
  • Helps run meetings
  • Runs meetings in case president can not attend
  • Is main liaison with business members

Duties of Secretary
  • Takes minutes at Officer Meeting
  • In charge of Show and Tell
  • Head of Procurement, works with sponsors to get door prizes and other items
  • Takes photos of Show and Tell and uploads to Flickr

Duties of Treasurer
  • Must be an accountant!
  • Makes and keeps track of the budget
  • Approves other officers' spending
  • Files taxes
  • Deposits checks at bank and checks PO Box once a week
  • Note: no longer responsible for membership

 Duties of Programs Coordinator
  • In charge of challenges and swaps
  • Works on getting speakers unto town and setting up other meeting presentations
  • Supervises the Charity Coordinator and the Quilt Show Coordinators
  • Note: no longer responsible for charity sews

All Positions 
  • Must be able to attend monthly meetings and officer meetings
  • Must be able to work as part of a tight knit group, have good communication and be flexible
  • Must be a PMQG member in good standing and have been a member for at least 6 months


PMQG October 2014 Menucha Retreat Recap


October Meeting Announcements