A Message from Michelle

Who will be next? (BTW, pretend Jen is in this photo too!)
I recently came across a newsletter from another quilt guild and saw that it had a special section for the President's notes. My first thought was, "oh no! I have never done that for our guild - were they expecting me to do that?" and then I laughed and thought of how all of you would have reacted to a formality like that and I felt relieved. 

Taking on the job of guild president this year was not without trials. There were times when I felt overwhelmed and in-over-my-head. I wondered on occasion if I was the right person for the job and whether or not I was meeting expectations of our members and the greater MQG community. Many of you were candid with your compliments as well as your critiques. I was grateful for the feedback and took each and every comment seriously.

But that is just me. The office of president has been approached differently each year that I have been a member of our guild. How I would follow in the footsteps of the women who had stood in my shoes before me? How would I compare? The first PMQG meeting I went to was in January 2011. There was a fat quarter swap, a fun wonky argyle presentation and mug rug challenge (a what?) I only knew one person there that night and I did not consider myself a quilter by anyone's standards. I went back through old posts and found a picture of me from that meeting. Who knew I would serve as your president a few years later!

I love looking back at those meetings and thinking about the friendships that I have gained from guild and the wonderful and inspiring meetings that I have attended. This year was extraordinarily special. I have had the opportunity to work along side of four inspiring and talented women, Kim, Mary Ann, Amber and Anne who served as your officers this year. I participated in the formalization of our guild as part of the national MQG organization. We had an exciting calendar of programs, events, challenges and education. And I witnessed our guild grow to 175 members! 

2014 is right around the corner. I have been asked daily who I think will be our next guild president. Last year about this time I was asking myself that same question. I knew the answer in my heart was me. I sat down and wrote a letter to the officers detailing my vast inexperience, lack of professional connections and most importantly why I would not be qualified at all to lead the group. I am happy I never pressed "send." The next morning I wrote a second draft. I'll be honest, I was terrified! Yet I knew Susan, Christina and Jen would help me if I needed advice, that my fellow officers would support me if I made a mistake and most of all that our community of members would inspire me to be the best leader I could be. 

So next PMQG officers: don't delete those letters of intention. If we can do it, so can you! We need our members to step up and take the reins. And we are here for you! We will help you succeed. And I for one am looking forward to that.

-- Michelle


November Meeting Reminder


PMQG October 2013 Meeting Announcement Slideshow