Modern Quilts from the Blogging Universe Book Review

First, a big thank you to Martingale publishing for generously sending us Modern Quilts from the Blogging Universe to review!

If any of you are like me, you follow quilting blogs. Perhaps more than you can keep up with! When I first heard about the book Modern Quilts from the Blogging Universe, I was really excited! 
Jigsaw - Designed by Amy Ellis
Before I received it in the mail my thoughts were running along the lines of how cool it would be to own a book with patterns, saving so much time figuring out math. However when I opened it, saving time doing math was the last thing on my mind. All I wanted to do was get started making so many of these quilts! As in, drop everything I had on my plate and start a whole slew of future WIP’s right then and there. 
Diamond Crosses - Designed by Kate Henderson

The idea of featuring bloggers resulted in the unique compilation of quilts with completely different aesthetics. Anyone picking up this book can find a quilt they love and want to make. The layout is well thought out being bright, clean and colorful! All Patterns are clear and the instructions well written with full color diagrams. Some even templates while others have tips and tricks. In summary as one person put it “bloggers are an excellent resource for ideas and inspiration”. 
Hopefully (ahem Martingale!) this is the first of many volumes showcasing the beautiful quilts from bloggers around the world!


One lucky winner will get to take home this great book tonight at our Guild Meeting! 


March PMQG Meeting Recap - Announcements


OMG! It's Luke Haynes!