October Meeting Announcements

For those of you who couldn't make it, or want to mark your calendars or donate to this months charity...Here are the October Announcements!

All-Day Sew Oct. 20! Fabric Depot - 9am - 9pm - Stop on by any time throughout the day! Bring your machine and projects! 

Call for 2013 Officers! Click here for details on each position. Deadline for applying is November 1.

October charity: Treats 4 Troops, supporting the 697th Engineer Corp. out of Fort Hood, currently deployed to Afghanistan. Shauna McCain of St. Helens is requesting gifts of small quilts, one for each of the 40 members of her husband’s platoon – any donations greatly appreciated. The shipping deadline is the second week of November.

Cotton Couture Challenge
As part of Quilt Con, we will be entering one of the three Michael Miller quilts into the collaborative quilt category of the quilt show. We will have a poll on the blog soon, to see which one we should send! There are many more categories with amazing prizes - click here to check it out!

Holiday swap!
Fill a sandwich size bag with your favorite fabric to be used in a gift made especially for you! Bring your filled bag to the November meeting with the following information attached to it. 
Your name: 
At the November meeting we will switch bags and then bring your gift to the December meeting! 

Michael Miller Challenge!
Everyone's projects were jaw-dropping and inspiring!! More pics coming soon to the meeting re-cap! 

As always, if there are any questions, please email us: portlandmodernquiltguild at gmail dot com


October Guild Meeting


Book Review & Meeting