Interested in being a PMQG officer?
As the year turns over, we will hand over the PMQG reigns to a new group of five leaders. Do you want to be one of them? All the officers work together on guild ideas and decisions. We also have individual duties. In a nutshell, these are our roles:
- President: Run member and officer meetings, manage guild communication and make sure the important things are happening.
- Program Coordinator: Work closely with the Board president to organize presentations for each meeting, including speakers and ten-minute-tutes, as well as procuring giveaway items. Assist as needed during meetings.
- Vice President: Perform the duties of the president if the president is unable (run the meetings, etc), maintain online media (blog, Flickr, Facebook)
- Secretary: Document officer and member meetings, create or delegate PMQG signage as needed.
- Treasurer: Manage membership and guild finances.