Interested in being a PMQG officer?

As the year turns over, we will hand over the PMQG reigns to a new group of five leaders. Do you want to be one of them? All the officers work together on guild ideas and decisions. We also have individual duties. In a nutshell, these are our roles:
  • President: Run member and officer meetings, manage guild communication and make sure the important things are happening.
  • Program Coordinator: Work closely with the Board president to organize presentations for each meeting, including speakers and ten-minute-tutes, as well as procuring giveaway items. Assist as needed during meetings.
  • Vice President: Perform the duties of the president if the president is unable (run the meetings, etc), maintain online media (blog, Flickr, Facebook)
  • Secretary: Document officer and member meetings, create or delegate PMQG signage as needed.
  • Treasurer: Manage membership and guild finances.
If you are interested, please let us know by emailing us at by November 2nd. Make sure to let us know which role you would like to fill!

Meeting 102011


October News