Meeting 031711

PMQG—You're 1!
A Year Ago this March we had our first meeting. Many thanks to Elizabeth for spreading the National Modern Quilt Guild word and spearheading our creation.

PNCA's April First-Thursday Exhibition will feature quilts from PMQG members. The show runs April 7–17ish.

Ten Minute Tute: All About Zippers
Presentation by Jen

Jen has learned many tips and tricks from Modern Domestic's Amy Alan. One such tip is mastering the zipper—and mastered she has.

Her go-to product is Wonder Tape: washes away and doesn't gum-up your machine. Check out her favorite tutorial!

Program: Notions
Presentation by Meredith of Modern Domestic; prior to coming to Oregon she worked as director of the The City Quilter in NY.

Featured Notions: Oliso Smart Iron Pro, Best Press, Fusible Web, Teflon Pressing Sheet, Iron Clean (looks like dryer sheets), Point presser with Clapper, Foam pad with measuring canvas 36x54 + marine grade ply-wood—use to make a pressing table.

Thanks for the 25% off coupons Meredith—and thanks MD!

Members share their notions:
Pétra: stiletto for turning
Monica: magnetic automotive store tool and paper plates to organize projects
Brittany: fabric on freezer paper applique
Michelle: 1" x 6" ruler (sold at Art Stores)—used to assist in sewing thick fabrics; poker round tip to flat tip
Rachel: Comfort thimble (comes in many sizes); serrated snips
Cherri: Ruler that adds a .25 in seam; light weight snips @ MD only cut thread; use paper tags to organize projects (attach with pins)
Heather: wrapping paper cutter by Scotch; Kwik Klip (closes safety pins), mustache trimmer (easy seam ripping)
Susan: Sidewinder Bobbin (plug/batteries); wear scissors around neck on string

Fabric Match MIXER
PMQG officers have made it their mission to get us all interacting with each other—remember last month's Portland map? This month everyone was handed a quarter of a charm square upon entry, when Christina said the word we quickly found our matches and met new friends.

Show and Tell

Elsa has been quilting for "a lot of years."
"Took the art quilt class here at PNCA—this is one of the pieces I've made."

Pétra has been quilting for 2 years.
"Linen with Lotta Jansdotter fabric, untitled"

Alyssa has been quilting for 1 year.
"For my boyfriend, Dan, who lives in a yurt. It was inspired by the yurt ceiling."

Claire—this is her first quilt!

Nancy (Right) has been quilting for less than 100 years.
"Franmed? and inspired by Tania (Jean Wells)
Tania (Left)
"Off the wall Landscape"

Violet has been quilting for 19 years (with an 18 year break).
"Wool coat jacket quilt; gift for my husband"

Kristen has been quilting for less than a year.
"Hexagon Spring Bee Table Runner; machine applique class at Modern Domestic with Anna Joice.

Alexandra has been quilting for 3 years.
"'The Mammoth' A nine patch to cover our corduroy couch—that just kept getting bigger."

Cheran has been quilting for 20ish years.
"My 13 year old niece wanted to learn how to quilt—we designed a simple top, which she pieced 3 years ago. I stole it from her to finish for her 17th birthday."

Cathy has been quilting for 1 year.
"Kids quilt"

Jasmine has been quilting for 10 years.
"Square in a square variation, sock monkey style; one more UFO done. :)"

Marilyn has been quilting for 35 + 15 = 50 years.
"Designed on EQ5 and was left on the computer for awhile. I never expected to execute, but decided to meet the challenge some months later—lots of fun."

Paula has been quilting for 1 year.
"Two vintage quilt tops from husband's grandmother and a vintage sheet quilt."

Maurice has been quilting for 4 years.
"All red random paths."

Jeanette has been quilting for 21 years.

Kristen has been quilting for 2 years.
"Scrap quilt"

Jen has been quilting for 2 years
"Riley Blake 'All Star 1' for third boy."

Charm Square Swap

The End.


Bit of housekeeping


April Swap reminder: Solids blocks!