Dyeing to create

Despite back-to-school activities for many, 34 Portland Modern Quilters brought their interest and enthusiasm to Pacific Northwest College of Art (thank you, PNCA!!!) to learn and share.  Jen started us off with a few announcements and a Ten Minute Tute on pincushions, which were then given away after the tutorial.

Kimberly won this orange pincushion,

and Cathy was the recipient of this red and blue pincushion.

A gift bag donated by Christina was also given away --
-- and won by Traci.

Elizabeth gave a presentation on fabric dyeing --
which covered overdyeing print fabrics (using iDye or fiber reactive dye), beer cup dying (including improv dying and value scales), and discharging with bleach.

Elizabeth gave away a bag of fabric dyeing supplies and displayed equipment, samples, and resources.

Show and Tell
Elsa shared her version of Elizabeth's New Wave quilt

and this child's car quilt.

Nancy shared this very large quilt made from sketches she made on a trip to Georgia.
Unfortunately, the pictures of the whole quilt did not turn out.  Nancy, we hope you will post a picture to the Portland Modern Quilters Flickr group so we can enjoy your quilt in its entirety.

Annie shared this embellished quilt,

and Gail made this quilt, in her first attempt at creating poster art with fabric.

Remember these free fabric samples from last month?

Jenn already used her fabric to make this quilt top using a Schnibbles "X-rated" pattern.

Tobey made this version of Kate Conklin's Wonky Donkey quilt for her son --

Sally shared her first quilt

and this quilt made in a machine quilting class.

Violet was begged into showing this quilt, which she was still stitching on during the meeting.

flannel back,

and quilt label.

This is how the quilt top looked at the very first PMQG meeting.
Portland Modern Quilt Guild - 1st Meeting 017

This happy turtle quilt came in after the end of the meeting, missing show and tell, but I was able to grab a photo of it -- Thanks, Laura.

Discussion and Announcements
The meeting ended with some discussion regarding the possibility of dues, adding a business section to meetings, problems with the blog forum, hosting a website, and utilizing Flickr.

Due to technical difficulties, the blog forum will be removed, and in the meantime, we will use the Portland Modern Quilters Flickr group for discussions and sharing photos.

Next month we will be having a pincushion swap, so make one up any way you please and bring it in a plain brown paper bag.  It should be fun to see what everyone creates!  Maybe we'll even see a little hand dyed fabric....


Flickr Discussion