MareMare MareMare

Quilt! Knit! Stitch! 2014

 Did you attend the first ever Quilt! Knit! Stitch! show? There was so much to see! There were vendors selling everything from fabric and patterns to fancy irons and long arm machines. There were also classes, demos, raffles, giveaways, fashion shows, and a quilt show.

PMQG Members and fabric designers Mo Bedell and Violet Craft shared a beautiful booth and were selling fabric, embroidery patterns, and quilt patterns.

 On Thursday and Saturday of the show we had a couple mini meetups for PMQG members plus other PNW MQG members that were visiting. I got to meet a Fraser Valley member and the President of South Sound MQG! We took a couple pics of PMQG members too. Shoot, we're a good looking group!

PMQG had an exhibit of our mini quilts made with Michael Miller Glitz fabric. It was really fun to see them all next to each other and how everyone took the same fabric and interpreted it differently!

Anne Whiting

Megan Callahan

PMQG also participated in the Pacific Northwest  MQG Modern Metallic Challenge, with metallic fabrics from Robert Kaufman. Lots of PNW MQG guilds were represented in this exhibit!

By Terry, New Westminster, BC

By amy dame, Fraser Valley and Vancouver BC MQGs

Passage by Allison B, Seattle MQG

Asterisk by Deb Jeske, Seattle MQG

By Cath Hall, PMQG

There were lots of other exhibits besides the two we took part in. Kaffe Fassett quilts, machine quilter's exhibits, as well as Knit and Embroidery exhibits were on display. Here were a few more that caught my eye from various exhibits as I walked around.

This amazingly detailed quilt, by Karen Echmeier, was only about 15 inches square!
It listed the source as her book, Happy Villages.

This quilt by Kathy York used so many techniques, including bleaching, overdyeing, embroidery, reverse applique, and more. I had to stare at it, read the text, and then stare at it again to try and figure out how it was constructed.

Close up of Kathy York quilt to see some of the construction details

This wonky neon medallion by Rebecca Muir Mackellar is so fun!
I love the idea of a wonky medallion!

Fabric Depot had a fun game in their booth to play with felt squares and triangles to create a quilt block. I think I want to cut some felt up myself, it was really fun to work with these pieces and seems like a great way to brainstorm a new block! Check out #quiltblockparty on IG to see other entries from this activity!

PMQG Programs Coordinator Cath helped set up the show and she learned some great things about entering quilt shows that not everyone might know. Be sure to check out her blog post to see her tips.

See more pics on Instagram by checking these hashtags: #quiltknitstitch  #qks  #pnwmodernmetallic

And, it's not too early to start thinking about attending next year's Quilt! Knit! Stitch!
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