PMQG has a fabulous resource that you may not be aware of – the Library. It has many excellent items that you can borrow for free.  The Library and information on how to use it can be found on the PMQG website under the Resources tab. To learn about what the Library contains, how to find it, and how to use it, there will be a scavenger hunt with prizes to be awarded at the December Holiday meeting.  Please join in to learn about what is available and maybe win a prize!

To enter the scavenger hunt and be eligible for a prize, all you need to do is answer the scavenger hunt questions and email the answers to the guild by December 2nd at 5:00 p.m.


  1. Where can you locate the catalogue for the PMQG Library?

  2. Do you have to pay to use the library?

  3. What three ways can you search for a book in the PMQG library?

  4. How can you look at/browse through all the books in the library?

  5. What else can you borrow from the library besides books?

  6. How do you request something from the library?

  7. What two ways can you contact the librarian, if you have questions?

  8. Do we have any books by Christina Cameli in the library? If yes, what?

  9. Do we have any books by Sam Hunter in the library? If yes, what?

  10. Do we have any books by Susan Beal in the library? If yes, what?

  11. Do we have any books by Elizabeth Hartman in the library? If yes, what?

  12. Does the PMQG library only have quilting books or does it contain other textile related books?