Valori Wells Workshops

We’re excited to announce our April speaker Valori Wells! Valori is an accomplished professional quilter, author, fabric and pattern designer, painter, and photographer. She has been designing fabric for 14 years and is the Co-Owner of the Stitchin' Post, which her mother opened in 1974. Marks is Valori Wells' newest fabric collection in which she collaborated with her mom, Jean Wells. Marks captures the freedom of nature in pattern, color and texture. The woven imagery is created with hand carved blocks that are carefully layered and printed resulting in unique color palettes. Join Valori as she takes you through the journey of creating the Marks fabric collection and quilting projects.

Valori will also be teaching two workshops while she is visiting us. They will be $75 for PMQG members and $100 for non-members. 

 Screen Printing with Valori Wells on Friday April 22nd from 9-4

In this workshop you will learn how to print fabric using the silk screen printing technique. For this experience you will use Valori's screens and learn how to mix ink and print on fabric. In the second half of the class you will experiment on your own fabric. There will be an overview of how to make your own screen as well as ideas how to use the prints. You will go home with some wonderful prints and full of ideas. 

A $20 materials fee is required and will be collected in class.

Click here to sign up! 

Block Printing with Valori Wells on Saturday April 23rd from 9-4

In this workshop you will learn how to block print starting from a drawing to the final printed piece of fabric. The first half of the workshop will focus on the design and cutting the design out of the block. The second half of the workshop will focus on mixing ink and printing. 

A $20 materials fee is required and will be collected in class. 

Click here to sign up! 


Interviews with the QuiltCon 2016 Judges


March Meeting Recap