September Meeting Reminder

We hope to see you at our September meeting!

When: Thursday, September 19th, 7:00pm

Where: PNCA, Room S1

1241 NW Johnson St.
Portland, OR 97209

Room S1 is located across the street and upstairs from the main campus: 
Stagecraft Bldg. 1302 NW Kearney St.

We will be holding show and tell first this month! That's right, folks, you asked for it and we are going to try it. Make sure to sign-in for show and tell as soon as you arrive.

For this month's meeting, you'll also want to bring a pen or pencil and paper you can doodle/draw on (a notebook would work!) Our Guest, Christina Cameli, PMQG past president and author of First Steps to Free-Motion Quilting has a great presentation and activity planned for us!

As usual, please remember to bring any BOMs you have made. August's block is the Urban Chicken Block, designed by Michelle FreedmanWe'd love if you brought one to this month's meeting in one of our charity colorways: ROYGBIV, Scrappy, or Black & White with a Pop of Color. Make one to keep, make one to give! Remember, all past BOMs can be found on the BOM tab, accessed from the blog homepage, and we welcome donations of any block from this year for our charity BOM program.

MQG Riley Blake Challenge: We hope to have updates for this at our meeting and we have been making every effort to accommodate EVERYONE who signed up via the MQG community site, google doc, contacted us via email and left blog comments. We have requested plenty fabric bundles and we hope we will have those at our meeting this week. We appreciate your patience with this process.

OBT Doll Quilt Challenge: We will have fabric to distribute to any member who is interested in participating. Remember, for any quilt you make and donate you get a $10 voucher for Nutcracker tickets!

And a few little reminders: 

  • PMQG meetings are for folks 18 years and up. Babes in arms are welcome.
  • Because of limited space, seats will be given to PMQG members first. Guests may be turned away if space is not available. 
  • Please email any announcements you would like us to make at the meeting at least one day in advance of our meeting and we will make every effort to share that with our members. 
  • Business member registration is currently closed for 2013 and will reopen in January 2014. While we are happy to announce member news, we cannot support member's product sales or solicitations of any kind and any PMQG meeting or events. Please email us with any questions or concerns. 

Thank you!

--Mary Ann, VP
--Michelle, P


PMQG September 2013 Meeting Recap


WIP Wednesday Linky Party