PMQG August 15th Picnic Updates

Hey everyone,
We are moving the meeting!!!

Plan B: We will MOVE the meeting to the covered basketball courts at daVinci Arts Middle School 

2508 NE Everett St, Portland, OR
The covered basketball court is on the south end of the school (Everett St. just before 27th) behind the playground. Parking on Everett St.

Here are the plans for our meeting in case of rain tonight. We will post additional updates on Facebook and our blog: please check there for news.

Plan A: We will have the meeting in Laurelhurst Park, picnic area E as planned even if it It drizzles a little bit and the grass is a little damp.

Plan B: We will MOVE the meeting to the covered basketball courts at daVinci Arts Middle School if it starts drizzling or misting at 5:30pm and the skys are dark and the forecast is rain. THIS WILL BE ANNOUNCED ON Facebook AND THE BLOG.

Plan C: We will CANCEL the meeting if it starts raining (real rain, not sprinkling) by 5:30pm. THIS WILL BE ANNOUNCED ON Facebook AND THE BLOG.

Da Vinci Arts Middle School
2508 NE Everett St, Portland, OR
The covered basketball court is on the south end of the school (Everett St. just before 27th) behind the playground. Parking on Everett St.

Look for an email from me as well with information for how to contact me directly.
See you tonight!

WIP Wednesday Linky Party


WIP Wednesday Linky Party