April Meeting Recap: Announcements

What a fun PMQG meeting we had on April 18th! The room was packed, the energy was high and there were many new faces. About halfway through the meeting, Anne, our treasurer, whispered to me that we had just signed up our 150th member. 150! How cool is that! 
PMQG member's blocks for the Michael Miller Neon & Neutral challenge

Here is a recap of our committee reports and announcements. 

Community Events:
Our next PMQG Sew Day will be held on Saturday, May 4th at Fabric Depot from 9am - 9pm. PMQG Members are free, Guests are $10.
Our first Charity Sewcial is on Friday, May 10th at Modern Domestic from 5-8pm hosted by Rachel Kerley. PMQG Members can participate in a free charity pillow sewing event (all supplies provided) or sew their own projects for $10 (machines and tools provided). 

Quilt Shows
Thank you to everyone who submitted quilts for the PMQG special exhibit at Sisters. Notification letters were sent out on April 9th. The deadline to submit a quilt to the general Sisters show is June 1st.

The deadline for HMQS has been extended through April 26th. 

Historian Report:
Our first PMQG Quilt Documentation Day was held on April 12th from 1-4pm. We documented ten quilts, several of which were the first modern quilts to be documented for this project. Thank you to Susan Beal and Bill Volkening for spear heading these efforts.

We held a bylaw meeting on April 12th and reviewed the bylaw surveys and a working draft of bylaws for our guild. The next bylaw meeting will be announced. Please email us with Bylaw in the subject line if you would like a pdf of the document that we reviewed. A comment form is available on the Bylaw page of this blog.

MQG Membership
Allisa Haight Carlton will host a presentation on MQG membership at our May Meeting. Please send any questions about MQG membership to portlandmodernquiltguild (at) gmail (dot) com with the subject line MQG Membership in advance of this meeting.

Before and After [Quilt] Market with Modern Domestic
We raffled off a class at Modern Domestic and will donate the proceeds to the Leiomyosarcoma Direct Research Foundation in honor of Heather Grant.
We are planning a Meet and Greet on Friday May 17th at Modern Domestic. Stay tuned for more details about that.
There are still spots available in Carolyn Friedlander's Ariel Wall Hanging and Olive Wall Hanging classes on Monday May 20th and Jacquie Gering's Slice and Insert Improv class on Wednesday May 15th. PMQG members get a 10% discount.

PNCA + PMQG team up
We have partnered with PNCA on two fantastic weekend workshops June 29-30. PMQG members get priority registration and a $100 discount off the cost of these classes. Links for our members to sign up are on our new PMQG member page on this blog. You will need a password to access it which we will send to members in an email. 
Learn more about the instructors here: Eliza Fernand check out her work here 
Cherry House Read Cherry's blog here

PNW MQG meet up
Pencil it in! August 15th - 18th in Portland, Or.

Neon and Neutrals Challenge
Our latest challenge was a Neons and Neutrals sponsored by Michael Miller Fabrics. Each member got 10 fat eights of Michael Miller solid neons, neon dots and Cotton Couture neutrals and was challenged to make a 
block or accessory. Members showed their pieces at our meeting (see photo above the blocks!) Stay tuned for next steps.

PMQG member Heather Davidson hosted our BOM this month. We will be making her 'Spring Mod' block along with the Bay Area Modern Quilt Guild. She did a wonderful tutorial on her blog. Thank you Heather!

Member Announcements
Violet is teaching her Herringbone Block Class at Quilting Delights on April 27th
WestSide Modern meets next Wednesday April 24th at the Pine Needle
Threadbias is hosting a Briar Rose quilt design contest now through May 5th
Please leave a comment if we missed anything.
Northwest Quilters next general meeting is May 13th at 9:30am

Stay tuned for the Presentation and Show and Tell recaps.
Thanks everyone!

-- Michelle

To Boston with Love


Book Review: Pillow Pop