Once upon a time we were a new guild board who thought it would be fun to get together for the weekend with some neighboring guilds. The other guilds might have already been thinking the same thing and it was met with cheers all around.  Suddenly after months of planning our weekend arrived, the Pacific Northwest Modern Quilt Guild Meet-up! Yes its a mouth full but totally worth it. 

A meeting of the Vancouver BC, Seattle, and Portland Modern Quilt Guilds with over 60 people in attendance. The weekend bagan with a Meet and Greet Friday with tote bags and giveaways from our generous sponsors. 
Saturday we had a Sew in at Island Quilters where we completed 8 baby quilt tops that were distributed between the three guilds for different charity's. The Modern Cross tops were lead by Portland President Susan Beal from a pattern from her book. The Stitch and Flip tops were lead by Seattle President Katie Pendersen from her book. The day was so much fun with sewing, shopping, yummy lunch, shopping, and giveaways. It was a hot day in the shop but we made it through and the ferry ride back to Seattle offered a welcome breeze. 

Our weekend ended with a shop hop and even us Portlander's found plenty of items for stashing!  Thank you so much to our amazing sponsors for donating to this event!! It wouldn't have been as awesome without our giveaways and goodie bags!
Heather and Pétra


August Meeting Recap


Denyse Schmidt class + PMQG giveaway!