Picnic Meeting Reminder
It's our Picnic meeting Thursday July 19th to be held in the same location as last year Laurelhurst Park. Above is a map showing where we'll be meeting and you can click on the link for a google map of the park. Don't worry it's not hard to find us! The meeting will start at the usual 7pm. In case of rain (there's a 20% chance) we will be meeting at PNCA in the Stagecraft building in S1. If you are unsure of the weather check on our facebook page and the blog for updated meeting info the day of.
Our picnic meeting is a little different
- Bring your picnic quilt or blanket and a meal or snack we'll start the meeting with socializing and eating.
- We'll provide some non-alcoholic drinks.
- Family's are welcome.
- We will have a presentation.
- Show and Tell.
- Of course giveaways!
- If you'd like to bring something to share feel free.
- Bringing your own single serving beer or wine is allowed.