Modern Quilt show in April at PNCA

Exciting news for PMQG members! The Continuing Education program at PNCA has offered to host a show of quilts from the Portland Modern Quilt Guild in Gallery 214 next month. The show will open on first Thursday, April 7th, so put that on your calendar right now!

We are thrilled with this development and we hope that you will submit your modern quilts to be considered for the show.  There is space for up to 15 quilts in the show. The selection process will include both PMQG officers and PNCA staff and faculty. You have two weeks from today to submit your quilts for consideration.


You may submit up to two quilts
The maximum size of quilts is 80" wide by 90" tall
The quilt design must be your own original work, not a pattern of someone else's
To submit a quilt you must be a dues-paid member of PMQG. (If you're not 100% certain you've paid your dues, ask us)
Quilts should be modern

What does that mean? You tell us.

It's clear that modern quilting is personal to each of us, and a bit hard to define. This show offers us an opportunity to share with each other and the community our thoughts on what modern quilting is right now. Be a part of this dialogue by sharing what modern quilting means to you, and discussing what makes your quilt "modern".

Entries are due by midnight on Friday, March 18th.
Please email your entry to
If you are submitting two quilts, please email your entries for each quilt separately. 
Your email should include:
Your name
Quilt name
Quilt dimensions
Your statement explaining what modern quilting means to you, and discussing what makes your quilt "modern".
Up to three photos of your quilt. One photo should show the entire quilt. The other photos may show details or the back, as you desire.

We expect to have final decisions made by March 30th at the latest. Quilts will be due to a designated PMQG contact or PNCA by April 2. We know this will be a tight turnaround for those that are chosen, but we will help you make it work. Cross our hearts. Your quilt will be on display until April 21st or 22nd.

A big thank you to PNCA for kicking it up a notch! We are thrilled with the idea of sharing our members' fabulous work with the community. Ok everyone....get busy on those sumissions!

All Day Sew March 19th


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