Meeting 021711
Budget Update
At time of meeting: $858 in the bank; $335 in PayPal
Color & Design
Choose your color palette, but Kristen recommends the lower two charts
1-$5 and 2-$10 gift certificates from Cool Cottons
Solid Fabric Pack from Pink Chalk
The latest issue of Stitch Magazine
2-Bottles of Fabric Glue from Rachel
Ten Minute Tute: Glue Basting
Presentation by Rachel
Curved quilt with glued piecing
Glue—Elmer's (cheaper) or Roxan's—purchase applicator separately
The glue allows you to tack down the fabric in lieu of pins (pins can distort fabric) and fusible
Portland Location Mixer
Members arranged themselves on a make shift Portland map—get to know your neighbors!
Show and Tell
Kathie Serlet | Nested Boxes
"Given to me by Anne Matlock for our 2011 'Pay It Forward'"
Anne Matak | French Chickens
Jasmine Stiner | Auction quilts made from my son's kindergarden class sewing lesson.
Pétra | Birds and Bugs
Jen | Hex Robot & The Baron
Elizabeth | Echino Improv Quilt
Alyssa Hursh | Luca's Quilt
Both improv quilts—of my design
Monica | Dream On, "You Are Here" giant block, pot holders, cathedral window
(The Sometimes Crafter has a cathedral window tutorial.)
Michelle Freedman | First Block Experiments: Cement Block #1, Secret Garden
I'm a new quilter and this is a sample of my process of discovery. I am still experimenting. :)
Kimberly | Rockets and Robots
Check out Susan's blog for details about her PNCA class she's teaching in July.
Mug Rug Swap!
A friendly reminder.
Quilt on my friends and "Do Not Be Scared!"