August Meeting Room 205

Meeting Agenda
  • Opening comments-5 minutes
  • Free Motion Quilting Presentation by Christina of A Few Scraps-30 minutes
  • Station Rotation, watching and practicing free motion quilting-30 minutes (Tracie, Jenn, Kristen MacDonald , Heather, and Kimberly)-Hopefully!  Still waiting to hear back from a few of you!
  •  Show and Tell-30 minutes
  •  Blind hexagon swap-10 minutes
  • Giveaway-5 minutes
  • Wrap up announcements for next meeting-5 minutes
Hope you are all loving and enjoying them.  They can be a little addictive, but what a great activity for the bus, a long car ride, camping, etc.  If some of you are still wanting to learn more about them, or are having issues, let me know and we will work something out!
For the Hexie Swap
All you need to do is:
Make 15 hexagons 1 inch in size (not sew together)
Put them in a paper bag
Bring them to the meeting!

There will be a table that we will put them on and then we'll all chose a bag towards the end of the meeting.  Just like we did for the pot holder swap.

If anyone has any questions, don't hesitate to leave a comment!  One of us will get back to you ASAP.
As always, please make sure you RSVP for the meeting so we have enough hand outs, chairs and room!


    Saturday Night Sewing at Modern Domestic


    Free Motion Quilting